Crash Diets and Skincare. How rapid weight loss can affect your skin

If you're losing weight quickly, whether it's through strict diets, weight loss surgeries, or getting back on track after the holidays, your skin is likely to undergo changes. This can be particularly noticeable if you're over 40 years old due to a decrease in skin elasticity.  

We encourage you to read our article to understand how rapid weight loss can affect your skin and discover our tips for minimizing potential issues. Our main focus is on promoting healthy and moderate weight loss, so you don't have to suffer any drastic consequences. 

How rapid weight loss can affect your skin? 

Rapid weight gain and loss can cause the skin to lose its natural ability to bounce back, leading to sagging and folds in areas like the abdomen and arms. Flabbiness is also a common occurrence in such cases. The combination of aging and weight loss reduces skin elasticity, affecting its ability to stay firm and toned. 

While stretch marks are a common occurrence for most people at some point in their lives, rapid weight gain or loss can make them more noticeable as they occur when the skin stretches. They can appear in various colors like red or purple and may fade over time. Additionally, we need to consider the condition of the skin itself. It can become dry, rough, and dehydrated due to a decrease in collagen and elastin, which are crucial for skin health, or a sudden decrease in vitamins and nutrients caused by changes in your diet.  

And yes, age matters. While these changes are particularly noticeable after the age of 40, they can affect individuals of all ages. Each person's skin reacts differently to weight loss. In addition, inadequate hydration plays a role in the impact of weight loss on the skin. It is crucial to stay properly hydrated for overall health, but it is common for hydration levels to decrease during the weight loss journey, resulting in dryness and accelerated skin deterioration. 

Obviously, we come to you with solutions  

To minimize the adverse effects of weight loss on your skin, we strongly recommend adopting healthier habits. Those who advised us to maintain a balanced diet and engage in regular exercise were absolutely correct. By doing so, you provide your skin with essential nutrients, promote firmness, and strengthen the underlying muscles, resulting in an improved overall appearance. 

During this process, proper skincare is essential. Using moisturizing and nourishing products can help maintain skin elasticity and smoothness. Incorporating ingredients like hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, peptides, vegan collagen and vitamin A in your skincare routine can improve skin appearance and stimulate collagen production. Splurge with masks and layering products to give your skin as much support as possible.  

Massaging your skin when applying products can also increase circulation, helping improve the tone. Besides your hands, there are many tools available to help you with jaw line contour.
— Patricia Pol

Summarizing: It might be easier and healthier to lose weight at a slower pace 

When undergoing rapid weight loss, particularly for individuals over the age of 40, various skin issues may arise, including excess loose skin, flabbiness, stretch marks, and an overall decline in skin quality. 

However, by adopting healthy habits, providing proper skincare, and seeking medical advice, these adverse effects can be minimized. It's important to remember that each person is unique, and results may vary. 

If you're worried about changes in your skin during rapid weight loss, it's advisable to consult with a specialized skincare professional and prioritize healthier methods of losing weight if possible! 

A few products picked by our team: 

  • These amazing super light products help boost hydration while strengthening the skin. Their bioavailable vegan collagen is extracted from non-GMO maize, soy and wheat proteins (already broken down so your skin can process them right away) combined with protein from white lupine, which helps strengthen the skin’s structure and improve its elasticity. Black Tulip and vegan Hyaluronic Acid are part of this formulation to add moisture and maintain the skin’s natural barrier. This collectionExplore ANNEMARIE BORLIND products offers a Lip Serum, Eye Serum, Facial Serum and Neck & Décolleté Serum. 

    >> Explore ANNEMARIE BORLIND products

  • A bi-phase oil mist for glowing skin and intensive moisture for your entire body. This formula combines vitamin-rich oils with extracts of pansy, chamomile, and calendula for glowing skin and intensive moisture.   

    >> Explore Weleda products

  • This multi-peptide recontouring cream helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. When combined with the high concentration of bioavailable form of vitamin C, the results are seen faster including evening out the skin tone and a visually firmer look. 

    >> Explore MyCHELLE products


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